Ethics is what we do when no one’s watching. And since much of what we do at work is out of sight to others, ethics determines what we can accomplish together. Ethics is not just an individual trait, but a cultural one.
I recently had the opportunity to appear on the THRIVES podcast with Wendi Jenkins, the vice chancellor for leadership and institutional development at the University System of Georgia. THRIVES stands for "talented, healthy, reputable, innovative, vision-minded, engaged, and service-oriented," and each episode features an interview with a guest about leadership.
On Feb. 20., I was honored to serve as the inaugural guest of the Scheller College of Business' Tech Talks Business series, hosted by Dean Anuj Mehrotra.
Our community is experiencing anguish over the loss of human life in Gaza and Israel, anxiety about the future of the impacted communities, and fear of increased antisemitism and Islamophobia right here at home.
Our achievements depend not just on what we do but also how we do it — the example we set for others and the ways we respond when we or others make mistakes or do something wrong.
I was moved by the vigil organized by Israeli and Jewish students on campus last night to mourn the lives lost to the senseless attacks on Israel last weekend. Like many of our students and colleagues, I struggle to comprehend these acts of unspeakable violence.
As the featured guest for the 10th installment of Cátedra Permanente — Futuros de la Educación Superior, Cabrera touches on his experience with higher education, the history of Georgia Tech, and its pillars of growth in innovation.
The New York Times recently called us out for our lackluster performance in attracting low-income students. They were right.
The industrial revolution helped us live longer, healthier, safer lives than any prior generation. Yet, it also created a complex set of challenges that threaten our way of life going forward.