Looking Ahead: Plans for the Future
I have indicated to Chancellor Steve Wrigley my desire to step down as president of Georgia Tech this coming summer. While we have not identified a specific date, I anticipate that in the coming weeks, he will establish a search committee and that I will continue to serve as president until the new president has been identified and is able to begin his/her tenure. The opportunity to serve as president of Georgia Tech for the past 10 years has been one of the highlights of my career and it is my hope and expectation that upon completion of my duties as president, I will be able to return to the faculty and resume my teaching and research at Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech is a great institution and great institutions are built on great people, great faculty, great staff and great students. Val and I look forward to continuing to work with you through the upcoming transition period to ensure that Georgia Tech can continue its pursuit of excellence, a pursuit that has helped to make Georgia Tech one of the finest institutions of higher education in the country.