To Our Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The semester is winding down and the Thanksgiving break is upon us. I imagine, like me, that this small break is coming right on time for you. This community has worked tirelessly this semester, and, once again, proved that Georgia Tech is an institution unlike any other.

It has been an incredible semester. We were able to celebrate new heights in applications, enrollment, and research never seen in Institute’s history. And yet those numbers do not tell the full story of the difference we are making together — the lives of students we are helping transform, the opportunities our students are gaining access to, the impact each of them is getting ready to have in the world. The numbers do not tell the magnitude and depth of the discoveries coming out of our lab, the solutions we are producing, and the understanding we are helping reach on problems and issues of great consequence for the future of humanity.

None of our accomplishments, or the effect we have in the lives of so many, would be possible without you — each one of you. During this season of thanks, I want to express my gratitude for the talent, time, and energy given by each member of this community.

As we all break for a long weekend of celebration and family traditions, I hope you know how grateful I am to be a part of the Georgia Tech community. The semester has been challenging, and this break is well deserved. I hope you can truly disconnect from studying, research, and work and use the break to catch your breath, enjoy some down time, spend cherished time with your family, and return recharged.

Above all else, please take care of yourself. Safe travels and happy Thanksgiving!
